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I would say the number one key to any woman's success is self-discipline. You see, you know, today we are in an age where information about success, business, leadership, and progress is available at the tip of our fingers and they are available in plenty. But yet when you observe closely around you, what do you see? You know, or maybe if your work is like me traveling around and meeting people around the globe, you will observe the vast difference in the percentage of women who reach the top and those who do not. And the biggest reason for this difference is that most women lack self-discipline. With the number of women entrepreneurs and leaders whom I have coached, I have come to observe that, you know, those who have achieved their goals are the ones who have ingrained this one element in themselves. Because if you don't practice self-discipline, let me tell you, my friends, you are going to be pulled in all directions by work, family, and friends and that will leave you feeling drained out. And ultimately, you will land up saying to yourself phrases like, oh, it's so hard to be successful. Or you know, women can't get that success as men or some women are just lucky to get successful or, you know, it's a man's world out there. These are the phrases that we are going to repeat to ourselves time and again, you know. You know, you know, the one thing I always emphasize is this success does not discriminate between man or woman. So rather than self-pitying yourself, start to self-discipline yourself.

Now see, each of us has something special, something unique that we have brought to the universe. And I'm sure you all have the talent, the skills, the knowledge, and the expertise, but these won't take you anywhere if you do not work on developing them. And developing them requires a lot of self-discipline, and you will be amazed at the places your gifts and talents will take you. My friends, I have worked with thousands of women who have great business ideas, wonderful strategies to climb the corporate ladder, and awesome businesses. But yet they aren't where they. They aren't where they should be. Because to get to where you want to be, you've got to practice the art of self-discipline. So in this era of accelerated change, business complexity, and tremendous competition, when you begin to develop yourself and be self-disciplined. I guarantee you, my friends, you will soon start to be in control of your destiny. You will be able to take massive actions. You will get all those results that you once hoped for and only imagined. You know. Think of it like this, my friends. You know, I always see that success is on the other side of the tunnel. And as you are getting, you know, as you are entering this tunnel and passing through it at every stage, there are these guards, you know, they are standing with these obstacles and they just won't allow you to pass through. And you know, every time that you pass through, you know, you start to go a little ahead, they will stop your way and they will throw all these obstacles on you so that these challenges, you know, they frustrate you and you just get stuck where you are or you return back. But guess what? If you are relentless, if you are practicing self-discipline, they are going to say, it's tough to mess with a woman like you. They will willingly bow down and let you pass through.

Friends, the center of bringing any dream to fruition is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. I think I should repeat that, isn't it? Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. That means whether you are feeling low, sad, happy, or too excited. Your self-discipline is such that it will allow you to take action. It's not dependent on how you feel. It is all about getting command of your mind. It's all about the daily rituals that help you stay on track. So let me ask you an interesting question here, my friends. If I were to take a pause and just ask you what are some of the daily rituals that you have developed to help you become successful? Can you think of a few, maybe five, maybe three, maybe at least one or two? Because these are the daily rituals that you know are taking you towards your goals and dreams. And if you cannot think of even one ritual that you have consciously made, it's time to start doing so, my friends. Because this means that you are only working hard, but it's not taking you anywhere. Working hard and working smart are both required for success, and working smart requires a daily ritual, so plan your daily ritual. I want to really emphasize this point here and really encourage you right now, you know, or maybe just after you finish sharing this episode, write down at least three rituals that you will practice every single day to help you take you towards your goal. And I will assure you, my friends, within a couple of months, you will see yourself nearing your dream and goal. Self-discipline is about choosing the actions that are in your best interest. It's about forgoing your immediate pleasures in exchange for long-term gains, you know. When other folks are having a good time meeting with friends and just watching some TV or relaxing, you've got to build that strength, my friends, to focus. You've got to build that strength to stay in concentration and stay in your zone of self-discipline. Self-discipline. It's about what you do every single day. I repeat, my friends, it's what you do every single day. It's not about setting a ritual and practicing it for 3 or 4 days, but then on the fifth day you say, oh, you know what? Today I have some work. Today I have something else to do. So I will give up on my self-discipline. No, you cannot give up on your ritual that you have promised to achieve every single day. Because if you. Because if you self-discipline yourself and build a routine that perfectly walks you towards the goal. My friends, you will begin to make competition irrelevant. You will start to leave people behind. It's true that self-discipline isn't easy. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for my clients. And it's not going to be easy for you either, because with so many tasks on your site, it's hard to bring this element into your life. But it's also true that the road to success is through self-discipline. If you raise your standards and set rituals to make sure these standards are met, you will make sure you never fail. You will make sure that you will give more time. In fact, you know what? It's in fact, it's bound to give you more time for yourself, more time for your work, and more time for your family. And isn't that what we all want? Because I you know, I get these complaints so often from women. Oh, I don't have the time. You know, I don't have the time Payal. You know, there's cooking and there's traveling and there's work and there's the child's homework, and there are friends and there. Where do I have the time? You've got to practice self-discipline, and it's going to pave the way for time. It's going to give you time for many other things that you only hoped for, that you only imagined, and that you felt. Other women are lucky that they have more time than you. Who has more time? Each of us are given the 24 hours and we've got to see how to manage it. But if we can manage ourselves, time will be managed on its own, I promise.

Your Good Friend and Mentor

Payal Nanjiani


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