How does your diet look like? Healthy? On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being lowest) where would you rate yourself in terms of physical wellness and diet. In fact, many corporates and business houses have inbuilt gym and medical facilities, healthy food in cafeteria and wellness programs. These services are because we believe a healthy employee equals a flourishing business. But are employees healthy? How does your diet look like? Healthy? On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being lowest) where would you rate yourself in terms of mindset and mind diet. When it comes to you and your employees mindset, what do you notice? Fear, stress, anxiety, doubts , disinterest, negativity or passion, belief, positivity,interest?
A healthy employee mindset = a flourishing business.
Business flourishes when the employees think and make beneficial decisions, are innovative, passionate, motivated from within, happy, cheerful, excited, joyful, at peace and confident. A company moves ahead when every employee is on the driver's’ seat and steers thoughts in the accurate and worthwhile direction knowing when to apply the brakes to negative thinking pattern, when to pull over to avoid “hitting” someone else. Only then can the employee and business experience greater mileage regarding progress and performance. Routine checking of mind diet is necessary.
The quality of your results = the quality of your mindset.
Take a moment and look around your workplace? What do you observe? Do you see happy, cheerful faces, excitement and, positivity? What you see around you, is what your people’s mind diet is. Does their mind diet include toxins like negativity, stress, anger, irritability, grudges, jealousy, frustration, fear and nervousness? Today’s industry is all about change.So when everything around you is upgrading and releasing a new version, it is imperative that you upgrade and release a new version of yourself? Have you disrupted your old mental patterns? When was the last time you made a radically significant change in yourself that brought about a positive impact on your leadership? These are vital questions because with all the changes and innovations, do you and your employees see yourself facing the same challenges and problems, increased stress, tension, competition, anxiety. Today most leaders and teams are caged in their day to day routine of work, meetings, clients, team building, offsite, targets, results, innovation, budget issues, and growth. No one is stopping to do an internal check of their mindset. Once every employee works on the mindset, every company will see a drastic positive change in the work environment. Results will be more than expected and targets will cross effortlessly.
A2 technique to enrich your mind diet?
There are many strategies and techniques I share during my corporate workshops and business seminars which have enabled my clients to create the work environment they have been striving for. One simple technique to start immediately is- Activate Awareness.This is the first step to know what your and your teams mind's diet is like? Ask few of these questions to yourself -
What do I need to improve on myself?
What are my differentiators beyond skillset?
Is my way of thinking helping me to achieve my goals?
Am I holding on to something I need to let go of?
Who are my success partners- online and offline?
How do I feel at work daily? Who is responsible for my feeling?
Does my mood often change at work?
Am I judgemental about myself or peers
Whatever your employees feed their mind with today will affect your results tomorrow. Remember, what goes in the mind comes out in action! Are you aware of your and your employees mindiet?
Payal Nanjiani is a success conditioning coach, Leadership Through Mind
trainer and keynote speaker.