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Let’s be honest, managing a business or job while keeping up with household responsibilities is exhausting. The balancing act can be overwhelming, and when things go off balance, it often feels like the cost is our dreams. How many times have we shifted our focus entirely to home, giving up on our professional aspirations out of a sense of guilt?

Many of us resign ourselves to this struggle, believing it's simply what fate had in store, leading to feelings of hurt and self-blame. Often, women feel it's their gender that limits them. But, today, let's try something different.

I want you to pause and think of one significant goal you want to achieve this year. Now, I may not know what that goal is or how challenging it may seem to reach it, but here’s what I do know: It’s possible. Achieving your goals is possible. Being a successful entrepreneur, climbing the corporate ladder, and balancing work and life is possible. What's required is a clear, streamlined approach.

The Blueprint for Success:

Having worked with thousands of women globally, I’ve seen firsthand how they’ve overcome obstacles and achieved success. They weren’t more skilled or better qualified than others; the difference lay in their approach. They had a blueprint—a clear, well-structured plan to move forward. And this is something you can start working on today.

One of my clients, for example, left her thriving career at IBM to start her own IT consulting firm. It took her two years to even get the business off the ground, and there were countless challenges along the way. Yet, in all that time, I never once heard her say she regretted leaving IBM. She didn’t blame herself, and she didn’t give up. Her business is now thriving in San Jose.

Her secret? She understood that while we can’t control what life throws at us—whether it’s layoffs, financial challenges, or setbacks in business—we can control how we respond to these situations. And having a blueprint helps.

Why Some People Succeed and Others Don’t:

Ever wonder why some people set goals and never follow through, while others take massive action and achieve them? The answer lies in the blueprint they’ve built for their future. A blueprint is a mental framework—a story you tell yourself about where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

Let’s say you hear that 70% of businesses fail in the first five years. If you build your story around that statistic, it will shape your actions. You may start to doubt your ability to succeed, and when things don’t go your way, you'll think, "I knew this would happen."

But there’s another side to that story: 30% of businesses thrive. If you choose to focus on that, your actions will reflect it. The story you create in your mind is the foundation of your blueprint, and it determines whether you move forward or stay stuck.

The Power of Your Thoughts:

Your thoughts have no limits. They can either drag you down or lift you up. The best resources and opportunities won’t help if your blueprint—your mental framework—is built on negativity. That’s why it’s critical to base your story on positivity, hope, and success.

But how do you do that? Let me introduce you to a simple model I use with my clients: RAM.

The RAM Model: A Simple Tool to Get You Started:

RAM stands for Reality, Actions, and Motives. It’s a simple yet powerful way to build your blueprint and stay focused.

  1. Reality: Take stock of where you are right now in relation to your goals. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you stand? Be honest with yourself—this is your starting point.

  2. Actions: What are the specific steps you need to take to move closer to your goal? Write them down. Don’t limit yourself—list every action that comes to mind. Then, pick one action to start with today. Just one.

  3. Motives: Why is this goal important to you? Why do you need to take the actions you’ve listed? Understanding your motives will help you stay focused and motivated, especially when things get tough. It will also make it easier to say "no" to distractions that drain your energy.

Take Action Today:

Once you’ve written out your RAM, you’ll find it easier to stay on track. You’ll have a clear plan that prevents you from spreading yourself too thin, and you’ll know exactly why you’re taking each step. This clarity is what will propel you forward when others are giving up.

It’s not about doing everything perfectly. It’s about focusing on the right actions and staying committed to your goals. By creating a blueprint and using the RAM model, you’ll find it easier to say "no" to things that drain your energy and "yes" to the steps that will lead you to success.

So, take that sheet of paper and start building your blueprint today. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you have a clear, actionable plan. And remember, this journey isn’t one you have to take alone.

Let’s connect! Share your goals and challenges with me, and together we’ll keep you on the path to success.

Your Good Friend and Mentor

Payal Nanjiani


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