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When I think of the word compassion, Mahatma Gandhi immediately comes to mind. He was a man who transformed the world, not with power or force, but through his deep compassion for humanity. As Malcolm Forbes once said, "People who matter are most aware that everyone else does, too." This rings especially true for leaders.

One of the most impactful things you can do as a leader is to genuinely care for others. Leading an organisation isn’t just about systems, processes, or policies—it’s about its heart and soul. Compassion is a choice every leader must make, but here’s the twist: there’s plenty of talk about showing compassion for your team, but how often do we discuss self-compassion?

Think about it—can you truly be compassionate toward your team, your clients, or anyone else if you lack compassion for yourself? Compassion for yourself is no different than compassion for others. It means treating yourself with the same kindness during difficult times—whether it’s dealing with stress, failures, team conflicts, or client issues. It’s about being mindful of how you handle pressure, new challenges, or rising expectations.

Most leaders don’t realize that the way they respond to their own struggles is the same way they’ll react to their team’s challenges. If you’re hard on yourself, you’ll likely be hard on others. But if you show yourself grace, that mindset will extend to those around you.

So instead of diving deep into how to be a compassionate leader, start by asking yourself, Do I have self-compassion? Take a moment to reflect on how you handle tough situations, what your inner dialogue sounds like, and how you treat yourself when things don’t go as planned.

Once you master self-compassion, you’ll naturally become a leader who radiates compassion for others. That’s where real leadership begins.

Your Good Friend and Mentor

Payal Nanjiani


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