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One of the viewers has posted a question that he aspires to become a well-known music composer, he has a lot of talent inside of him, and music is his life. He wants to make world records, get many awards and have people love his music. But it's been six years and he is not getting closer to it.

Here is the solution to this problem as shared by leadership and business coach, Payal Nanjiani.

99% of the people think and operate in one way and 1% think and operate differently because of which, they reach the pinnacle of success. You are working hard every single day but think about it, you are working hard on what and for what? for the success, for the money, for the likes on social media, for people to approve your work, for the awards? You are unknowingly tying yourself to all of these, to all these numbers and appreciation and it is weighing you down. It is not allowing you to be yourself and to move ahead with speed.

You really cannot create a good music piece if half of your attention is on those social media numbers and the awards and the other half is on what people will say or think about your music and your work.

The biggest obstacle is "what will people say "-this has become a disease that is spread worldwide today.

People keep thinking of what others are going to think about me and my work and because of this they do not bring out their authentic selves and they always fall short in their results as well as their performance.

When the numbers do not go up on Facebook or on social media posts, you go on a downward spiral and look what you did, you just created a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Now instead of that, how about you think about people in your industry who are the best, the top music composers in your industry. Think about people who have not made it. They are great composers but they are not at the top.

You have plenty of names there also. Now observe the pattern of the music composer who has made it to the top and those who have not. You are going to learn a lot of things that differentiate them. When I take interviews of people for my articles or for my work on those who have made it up in the industry and the people who I am helping to get there, I have observed that people who have made it up in the industry have never been bothered about the numbers or of what people are going to think about them and their work but they have been definitely putting their full concentration and they have been worried about their work. They want to deliver the best every single time and you can see it across every industry.

Definitely, set your goal, set the numbers, the outcomes, the targets but don't let that influence you in any way. 

Put your full focus on your work, on composing that great music piece that you want to and I can almost assure you once you put that discipline into your work, once you put that focus and the concentration and you make work your duty, everything else is going to follow, that numbers, the awards, the appreciation, the money, the success, everything are going to follow you and your work. You do not have to follow them. Let's reverse the process. 

But the golden mantra here is that you have got to put your best and you have got to give your best every single time. 

Bring your whole self, bring your authentic self to the table. Be true to yourself, be true to your work. Work on yourself to bring yourself up every single time and make work your duty. Give your best every single time my friend. Do not wait for people's approvals. Do not wait for people to recognize your work.

First, start to recognize your own worth, your own value in the industry and I can assure you, you will see yourself getting unstuck at every level of your profession.

I hope this helps in your journey. Share + practice + debate this with your teams and tell me your learnings.

Your Friend + Mentor

Payal Nanjiani


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