Every now and then, I pick up questions that are sent to me by professionals all over the world.
I try to answer these through my platforms. One of the questions I received is:
How can leaders manage time better to be more productive? — The question comes from Ria from India.
This is a common question I receive during my 1:1 coaching too.
Here’s the truth: It is impossible to manage time. But we can maximize our time — by instead, managing our ENERGY.
You cannot manage time. In fact, no one can because time is continuously moving whether you do anything or not.
Learning how to manage time is a complete waste of time.
What we need to do as leaders is to learn energy management. Because it’s not about the hours that you put in at your work, it’s about what you put in the hours that count.
Studies show that 52% of employees feel burnt out and stressed. And so their energy gets depleted. And this lack of energy can cause a dip in productivity even when there’s more than enough time to get the work done.
So it’s energy management that produces real results and not time management. Managing your energy is what will help you become more, faster, and smarter at your work and it will get you to run the day in the way you want it.
If you’ve read my book Win The Leadership Game Every Time, there is a chapter dedicated to how peak performers improve their energy levels to be highly productive.
I encourage you to begin to consciously observe where your energy is draining throughout the day and how you can stop that.
I hope this helps in your journey toward success,
Your Good Friend + Mentor
Payal Nanjiani
Leadership Expert | Author| Executive Coach
Date : 24 April, 2023
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Payal Nanjiani’s tools and techniques have helped millions of people across the globe to take their leadership and career to the next level. Share your question and Payal will be answering the most common questions on her Social media sites.